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Join TOW
We are based in New York City and we are always open to accept new members, so if you want to join, please let us know.
Our goal is to empower each member of the group and promote the group as a whole, make it recognized and and successful.
"Tall Outstanding Women," gives you quality time with other ladies like you, helps Charities and worthy causes (we volunteer to such events and to any events that gives exposure to our group), and can give you access to upscale events, help you in your individual career and make useful important connections.
There are no fees for joining or being part of "Tall Outstanding Women". You must be a woman equal to or greater than 6' feet tall barefoot (183 cm.), be at least 18 years old of any race, religion and nationality and have an "outstanding" physique, look, personality and good moral standing.
Please attach a recent picture (even if just a snapshot), how tall you are, and few words around you.
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